Navy Federal Routing Number: What Is It And How To Find It?

Banks are the essential pillar of the financial structure in the global economies. Banks are custodians of public money and serve as an intermediary for financial transactions. Whether governments want to make financial deals with other governments or businesses have to make financial transactions, they have to rely on the banks to work as an intermediary between transacting parties.

Similarly, individuals also have to rely on financial institutions like banks, credit unions, etc., to carry out all the financial transactions, keep their deposits, and avail of other services of banks like financial instruments, mobile banking, etc.

Regardless of the kind of financial transaction or financial instruments, bank routing numbers and SWIFT codes are involved in sending and receiving money. Every bank has a unique SWIFT code and routing number to identify itself.

In today’s article, we are going to talk about Navy Federal Credit Union routing numbers for customers using the banking services of NFCU. We will also walk you through the process of finding routing numbers, services of Navy Federal, etc.

So let’s get into it.

What Is Navy Federal?

Navy Federal Credit Union is a global credit union that was founded on March 13, 1933. The credit union has its headquarters in Vienna, Virginia, and has been chartered under the authority of the National Credit Union Administration.

Navy Federal is the largest natural members credit union in the United States, and there were over 12,700,000 members as of October 2022. The credit union is also the largest credit union in the US as per the size of assets, totaling $161.1 billion as of May 2023.

The credit union identifies itself as an institution striving to foster the financial health and well-being of the military, veterans, and their families. Navy Federal is operating at over 357 locations across all states of the US, with over 22,600 employees.

What Is A Routing Number?

 A bank routing number is a unique number every bank uses to identify itself for electronic transactions. The nine-digit number works like a bank’s address, which can be used for direct deposits, fund transfers, bill payments, digital checks, etc. The bank routing number can be found on the bank checks.

Banks might have domestic or international routing numbers to make transactions. However, every bank has different and unique routing numbers. The full name of the routing number is the routing transit number, ABA routing number, or international routing code.

The routing number guarantees that you’re dealing with one of the Federal Reserve Banks. That’s why routing numbers are even more important for international transactions.

How To Find Navy Federal Routing Number? Step-By-Step

You know what a bank routing number is, and Navy Federal also has a routing number for transactions. And if you want to make a transaction, you will need the bank routing number of NFCU. Where can you find your Navy Federal routing number?

You can find your bank routing number for Navy Federal in several ways. We will walk you through all possibilities you can rely on to find your Nay Federal routing number:

Bank Statement Or Check

The easiest and quick way to find your Navy Federal routing number is on your bank statement or the check. If you’re going to find your routing number on the check, here is what to do:

1. Grab your checkbook and open any check on it.

2. Three different types of numbers will be at the bottom of the check. The first number combination is your routing number, the second is the account number, and the third is the check number.

3. The nine-digit combination that is first in the order is your routing number. More appropriately, the number on the  Bottom-left is the bank routing number.

Navy Federal Credit Union

You can also check your routing number on Navy Federal Credit Union’s website or the mobile app to find the exact routing number for your financial transactions. You will have to provide the state zip code to find the rate and fee.

Does Navy Federal Routing Number Different For All States?

The larger banks under the American Bankers Association usually have multiple routing numbers assigned by ABA. Therefore, Navy Federal, the largest natural members credit union, has different routing numbers for all states.

Here are the routing numbers of the Navy Federal Credit Union by state:

StateABA Routing Number
New Hampshire256074974
New Jersey256074974
New Mexico256074974
New York256074974
North Carolina256074974
North Dakota256074974
Rhode Island256074974
South Carolina256074974
South Dakota256074974
Texas – El Paso256074974
Washington D.C.256074974
West Virginia256074974

When Do You Need A Routing Number Of NFCU?

We have already mentioned that a bank routing number is necessary when making digital transactions, specifically for international transfers. However, for the general cases when you will use to provide, you will need your bank routing number of NFCU:

1. Making the digital transactions

2. Direct deposits like paychecks

3. Tax payments

4. Reordering checks

5. Payment of consumer bills

A Brief Overview Of  Navy Federal Credit Union Services

Navy Federal Credit offers several services for individual customers as well as for businesses. The brief overview of the services of the Navy Federal is as follows:

1.     Accounts

i. Checking and debit account

ii. Saving accounts

iii. Money market accounts

iv. Certificates

2. Loans And Credit Cards

i. Credit cards

ii. Mortgages

iii. Car loans

iv. Personal loans

v. Student loans

vi. Home equity loans

vii. Motorcycle, boat, and leisure vehicle loans

3. Business Solutions

4. Wire Transfers


How much does NFCU charge to transfer money to external accounts?

You can transfer money from NFCU to NFCU accounts and external accounts for a fee. In the case of external accounts of US banks, the fee will be $14 per transaction. However, if you’re sending money to an international account using an International outgoing wire transfer, the cost will soar up to $25 per transaction.

How do I verify a Navy Federal check?

You will need the routing number to verify a check issued by Navy Federal Credit Union. For verification, you will need to call on the number of Navy Federal, which is as follows:


Once you’re on the call, you must follow the on-call prompts and type in the routing number when asked to verify if the Navy Federal Credit Union has issued the check.

What is the SWIFT code of the Navy Federal?

The BIC or SWIFT code of a bank is a set of 8 digits or 11 digits which you can find on your bank statement, via the online banking app, through the bank’s website, or by calling the number of your bank. The SWIFT code of the Navy Federal Credit Union is NFCUUS33. You will often need the SWIFT code of your bank when you’re receiving international payments, and it helps you to identify the individual bank.

Does Navy Federal allow international transactions?

Yes. Navy Federal Credit Union allows you to send or receive money to international bank accounts, use your Navy Credit card worldwide, and more. In the case of cards, no additional foreign transaction fee is charged. However, a transaction fee is charged when you’re sending money to international accounts via Wire transfers. No additional fee is charged when you’re receiving money from international accounts.

How many digits are there in the Navy Federal routing number?

Like the routing number of any other bank in America, the routing number of Navy Federal Credit Union also consists of 9 digits. You can find the routing number on your checks or through an online banking app.

What is the difference between the Navy Federal account number and routing numbers?

The difference between a routing number and an account number is that the routing number is used for the identification of a certain bank. Therefore, Navy Federal has a unique routing number. On the other hand, the account number is used to identify specific accounts within a financial institution. Besides, a routing number consists of 9 digits, but an account number can have 9 to 12 digits.


We have discussed everything you need to know about what is a bank routing number, the bank routing number of Navy Federal Credit Union, and how to find it. You can also find the routing numbers of the Navy Federal by a specific state of the US and make international transactions. We hope this information will help you make the payments by finding the right routing number you need.

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