Is the Boltz Pro Charger Scam or Legit? What is Your Review?

Mobile phones are one of the essential accessories every person keeps with them. And when we talk about phones, performance and battery timing are important points for any operating system, be it Android or iOS. A phone with good battery timing and performance will last longer, let you communicate with your friends & colleagues, and allows you access to resources and files.

Many brands and companies are providing mobile accessories like fast chargers, USB connectors, headphones, etc. And even more, many brands and companies keep popping up with unique technologies and claims too good to be true.

Multivoltz, Boltz Pro, etc., are some of the fishy brands that have popped up in the recent past. A lot of people fell for the claims of fast charging, processing, data management, etc., by these companies. However, a lot of tech reviewers have been trying to expose how these companies are looting you. That’s why many people keep asking about the honest review of the Boltz Pro charger.

So here we are with the review of the most talked-about Boltz Pro charger that claims to charge your phone from 0% to 100% in 11 minutes. Read the complete article to know the shocking truth we have found about the brand and the product itself.

What Is Boltz Pro?

Boltz Pro is a brand that recently popped up with its signature product, a Quick Charge Qualcomm 3.0 charger for mobile phones. As soon as you visit the website, you are welcomed with the claim,Say Goodbye to slow charging with this revolutionary gadget.’

 As per the description of the product, it has been engineered by a team of tech enthusiasts from San Francisco. The team behind the brand has 20+ years of knowledge in the technology and science fields. And finally, they succeeded in coming up with a reliable, faster, and safer charger for smartphones. They have claimed to use a high-tech technology of QC 3.0, and you can charge 4 separate devices at 4x speed simultaneously.

How Does Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 Work?

So before we move into the review of the Boltz Pro charger itself, let’s understand how QC 3.0 works.

Quick Charge 3.0 technology uses Intelligent Negotiation For Optimum Voltage(INOV). It is an algorithm that enables a portable device(smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.) to identify the power level to request at any point in time. As a result, the efficiency is maximized with optimum power transfer at every point in time. The previous protocols used were QC 2.0 and 1.0.

Is It Legit Or a Scam?

To answer the question, “Is Boltz Pro Charger legit or a scam?”

If you ask about the value compared with the price, it is 100% a scam that is looting people out of their money. If we have to review the charger itself, it is just like a cheap charger you can get. There is no superpower in the charger as advertised by the company. Just like they say, you can get rid of sluggish phone processing, quick battery drainage, etc., with this magical product.

But in reality, it is just a regular charger coming at a price that is way more than its actual worth. After a lot of refining, the company has updated its website with some of the correct information about QC 3.0, but it doesn’t cover the fact that they are asking too much for the charger, fake reviews, shady marketing campaigns, and a lot more.

Reasons Why Boltz Pro Is A Scam

We have listed all the reasons that are convincing enough to believe that the Boltz Pro has no unique selling point for the OEM charger that can be purchased from any other website or marketplace.

1. A Lot Of Lies In The Video Ad

So if you are one of those Americans who have watched the video ad of Boltz Pro while browsing Facebook or watching a video on YouTube, you will know what we mean.

As soon as the video starts, the phone is shown with a notification, “your phone might be slow,” and the voice comes saying that your phone might be infected with this problem. It doesn’t make any sense to advertise a charger by relating it to a totally OS-related problem.

Okay, let’s ignore it as a marketing gimmick. Moving on, they are using the planned obsolescence scandal of Apple to tell that a software update will slow down your phone. And you can rely on a Boltz Pro charger to get rid of this issue.

Does it make sense?

At least, not to us!

2. Wrong Claims About Company’s Backstory

Okay, the next red flag about this product is the backstory they are selling. As mentioned in the ad, the idea of the technology was brought forward by an Apple company Engineer. She worked at the company for many years, but once she came to know about planned obsolescence, she left the company and started working on faster technology that could increase the potential of the company.

Fact check: when you check the girl shown in the video, she is a YouTuber who never worked at Apple. Instead, she worked as an iOS engineer with companies like Patreon and Netflix.

Even more, the video shows that other Apple engineers who joined hands with her are also from the Patreon office and not actually from the Apple company. So we can say that the whole backstory of the product is quite hard to believe.

3. Pathetic Website

The website of any brand is just like online store front. And would any good company want their store front to be full of flaws? We think no one would ever wish that.

Surprisingly, when you visit the official website of Boltz Pro, there are too many spelling mistakes as well as grammar errors. For instance, “high-tech technology” and the wrong spelling of obsolescence.

Who would do this?

The team doesn’t seem to care about its brand image! Just in case they are actually a brand 😛

4. Nothing Unique; Just Another OEM Product

Okay, so the next point that the charger is not worth the money is that it is just another OEM product selling too cheap at Alibaba. Before Boltz Pro, a company named MultiVoltz came to the scene, and they were offering exactly the same product.

How do we know?

If you see the video ad of the charger, there is no branding of Boltz Pro, unlike the pictures shown on the official website. The same branding, as shown in the videos, is printed on the OEM product listed on Ali Baba and Etsy.

5. Fake Reviews That Make No Sense

If you go through the reviews of the product on the website, it will take just a few seconds to know that they are fake reviews. Even some of the reviews are not even about the charger. For instance, one review mentions monoculars and talks about their portability, size, and clarity of vision.

Sounds absurd, right?

6. Claims Do Not Match Actual Performance

To the real talk: claims do not match the actual performance!

Here is the fact check to bust what they have been talking about.

i. Data Transfer

They claim that the charger can improve your phone’s processing and automate the optimization. If we talk about iPhones specifically, if any such device is connected, it shows as a USB accessory, and you have to grant permission to use that.

According to a YouTube reviewer, nothing happened when he connected the charger to his iPhone. It was charging like regular. So this claim is 100% absurd.

ii. Fast Charging

Although they updated the website’s data, initially, there was a claim that you could charge your phone from 0% to 100% in 11 minutes. Too good to believe?

And they were inconsistent about their claims, as seen in video ads where one person is saying he charged his phone from 10% to 100% in 8 minutes. But in reality, a QC 3.0 charger can charge your phone from 0 to 70% in a minimum of 35 minutes.

They also claim that once you use this charger, your phone’s battery is at its maximum potential and can last up to 56 hours. Haha!

7. High Price Unlike The Other Similar Products

As already mentioned, the product doesn’t justify its price tag. You are getting that charger at a flat 50% off. The half price is $37.99, and you are getting that piece of crap at retail of $75.80. The worst thing is that whenever you visit the website it will warn you that a 50% discount will end tomorrow.

If you look for a similar charger on Etsy, it is listed for $4. Even more, if you go to Ali Baba, you can order wholesale-priced chargers for $1 each charger. These facts make it clear that the product is not at all worth the price they are charging.

They have different promotions where you can get a charger for $23 if you order three pieces. Similarly, the price falls to $17.99 per piece when ordering 5 chargers.

Final Words

It’s better to stay away from such cheap products that are just scamming people by charging unjustified prices for ordinary products available in any market. Even the claim of QC 3.0 charging is not true because only one inlet has QC 3.0. The remaining three inlets operate at QC 2.0 and QC 1.0.

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